Financial Consultancy


We offer a wide range of financial services and advice regarding mortgages, insurances and personal loans. Combining our banking expertise and experience we make sure to offer creative solutions to every kind of daily challenge that you might come across. Our proactive way of working has become valuable for many of our existing clients.

At Financial Consultancy Holland we are constantly innovating and creating a friendly atmosphere in which we help and guide our new and existing clients in a professional manner through the process of finding answers that perfectly suit their situation. We like a personal approach, in which every customer contact – in person or as is increasingly online these days – receives the full attention and care it deserves.
With us you can contact almost any bank/ lender and/ or insurer, so that your interests and needs are put first, and not the interest that the bank or insurer has in bringing in new clients. In this way we are able to offer a personal guidance that is professional and skilled at the same time.

When it comes to guidance, we try to make it as easy as possible for you and you can rest assured that you are our top priority during the entire process. You decide how you want to arrange your financial matters and we look for the best solution that suits your current circumstances and wishes.


  • Alternative Investments
  • Personal Financial Advisory
  • Corporate Financial Advisory
  • Tax Planning and Advisory



